TALES OF NAI NAI is an animated series about two cheeky Kiwi-Chinese twins who journey into their grandma's magical stories and go adventuring all across Asia. The series is wholesome and energetic and was made with the goal of teaching young audiences that Asian characters, cultures, languages and lands are undeniably loveable.
New Zealand's first all-Asian series for children, Tales of Nai Nai was showrun, directed and co-written by Becky Kuek, funded by NZ On Air and animated by Mukpuddy. Watch Seasons 1 and 2 on TVNZ+, or email for a private link.
LONG x xia
LONG X XIA is a chaotic comedy series created for TikTok by Becky Kuek and Gwen Lin. The series sees two co-dependant cousins attempt to pull off the legendary Lobster Liberation Operation and outrun both the consequences of their actions and the pain of growing up.
Directed and co-written by Becky, Long x Xia was funded as part of the TikTok Every Voice initiative, a collaboration between NZ On Air, Screen Australia and TikTok. 10 episodes and over 30 additional videos were created, all in vertical format, and can be watched exclusively on Tiktok.
DATING WHILE ASIAN is a 5-part factual series from Re: News, directed, produced and co-written by Maggie Shui. It follows 5 Asian New Zealanders who share their dating and sex diaries, and features animated scripted segments that were produced and co-written by Becky.
MY FAVOURITE DEAD PERSON is a series created for kids by The Downlow Concept, celebrating remarkable Kiwis from the past.
Starring some of NZ's favourite Comedians and Actors, Becky helped write seasons 1 & 2 and made a couple cameos too. Both seasons are streaming on YouTube.